by Club P.R.O | Mar 26, 2019 | Club News, Lotto |
There was No winner of the Lotto Jackpot of €2000 in Carraig House on Monday night, 25th March. The numbers drawn were 3, 10, 17. The €30 prize winners were: Corey Forde c/o Post Office Pat Hegarty, Coole Paul Murphy, Upper Lyre Jamie Byrne c/o The Arches Next weeks jackpot is €2200 and the draw will take place on Monday night, 1st April in The Arches. Lotto tickets are available locally in the Shop, Pharmacy, Post office and all pubs or from the lotto committee. Annual subscription of €100 available. Don’t miss out! Thanks once again to all our Lotto players for your continued support, without which we would not be able to invest in the future of our...
by Club P.R.O | Mar 20, 2019 | Club News, Lotto |
There was No winner of the Lotto Jackpot of €1800 in The Arches on Tuesday night, 19th March. The numbers drawn were 9, 21, 25. The €30 prize winners were: Michael McCarthy, Ballycaskin Betty Hegarty, Dun Bolg, Eddie Daly, C/O Shop Niall O’Loughlin C/O The Arches Next weeks jackpot is €2000 and the draw will take place on Monday night, 25th March in Carraig House. Lotto tickets are available locally in the Shop, Pharmacy, Post office and all pubs or from the lotto committee. Annual subscription of €100 available. Don’t miss out! Thanks once again to all our Lotto players for your continued support, without which we would not be able to invest in the future of our...
by Club P.R.O | Mar 14, 2019 | Club News, Lotto |
There was No winner of the Lotto Jackpot of €1600 in Carraig House on Monday night, 11th March. The numbers drawn were 3, 6, 26. The €30 prize winners were: James Harte, Don Hegarty, Mary Hegarty, Gormlee Cash & Carry Next weeks jackpot is €1800 and the draw will take place on Tuesday night, 19th March in The Arches. Lotto tickets are available locally in the Shop, Pharmacy, Post office and all pubs or from the lotto committee. Annual subscription of €100 available. Don’t miss out! Thanks once again to all our Lotto players for your continued support, without which we would not be able to invest in the future of our...
by Club P.R.O | Mar 12, 2019 | Club News, Juvenile, Match Reports |
Muintir Carraig na bhFear, failte romhat go leir. Ta an geimhreadh beagnach chriochnaithe agus ta na hoicheanta fada ag teacht aniar aduaidh orainn. Caithfear a adhmhail go bhfuil gach duine sa chumann ag tnuth le La Fheile Padraig agus an spraoi a bhfuil ar suil gach bliain. De thoradh, faigh do caman agus teigh go dti Coole Cross no An Cholaiste Chroi Naofa chun pairt a glacadh sa Poc Fada no Poc Gearr. Is fiu iarracht a dheanamh!!! San oiche sin, beidh an gabhar a rosta ag gach duine i gCarraig House agus beimid ag meascadh le cheile. Da bhri sin, ta failte ag uile duine dul go dti an oiche soisialta sa Charraig House, Oiche Fheile Padraig! Greetings to all our Readers. I hope you are all keeping well and gradually embracing Springtime as the evenings get longer and temperatures ( hopefully!!) start to rise. Here is a quick update as to what has been happening in the our club over the last four weeks: Juvenile Club: Our Juvenile Club held its monthly meeting on February 12th. The meeting was well attended and involved a lot of discussion around grading of our juvenile teams. A central message to come from the meeting is that every team is important, every player is important and that it is through constant dialogue and a willingness to work together which underpins the club ethos for 2019. Our playing numbers are not huge and therefore, our club hopes that every member, parent and supporter will encourage each juvenile player and team to take part and be part of the club, in whatever form...
by Club P.R.O | Mar 5, 2019 | Club News, Lotto |
There was No winner of the Lotto Jackpot of €1400 in The Arches on Monday night, 4th March. The numbers drawn were 1, 25, 31. The €30 prize winners were: Turlough Duggan, Pauline Hegarty, Dan Crowley, James Harte Next weeks jackpot is €1600 and the draw will take place on Monday night, 11th March in Carraig House. Lotto tickets are available locally in the Shop, Pharmacy, Post office and all pubs or from the lotto committee. Annual subscription of €100 available. Don’t miss out! Thanks once again to all our Lotto players for your continued support, without which we would not be able to invest in the future of our...