by Club P.R.O | Mar 18, 2021 | Club Meetings, Club News, Juvenile, Special Events |
Registration to CLG Carraig na bhFear is moving online in 2021. Due to current Covid restrictions it is not possible to hold our usual Registration night, but we are now in a position to facilitate online registration for the year ahead. Juvenile members born from in 2016 (u5’s in 2021) are welcome to join our Nursery programme. Please review the following points below carefully to assist with your registration: You can register on – The GAA’s new Online registration system. Conveniently, to login to the system you can use the same username and password which you would have used on the GAA Return to Play site last season. For those of you who do not have a login, you must create one to proceed. Navigate to Profile, Create a profile for the player/family you wish to register on Foireann. Note – If a parent is registering a player with St. Colmcille’s, they need to ensure the add St.Colmcille’s as a club to their profile as well as Carraig na bhFear, otherwise the return to play website used for Covid protocols will not give you the relevant team options. This should also be done for the child’s profile. Once profile completed, navigate to Membership and select Register. Select the membership option most relevant to player/family/individual you wish to register. Follow the step by step guide and make relevant payment by visa/visa debit. See detailed guide on link below for the process of registration on Foireann. NB: If you are choosing the family membership option, you will need to create a family on Foireann before proceeding with registration...
by Club P.R.O | Jan 21, 2020 | Club Meetings, Club News, Juvenile, Special Events |
Carraig na bhFear GAA Club Registration Night Saturday 1st February 8:00pm – 9:00pm Venue – Scoil an Athar Tadhg Registration Night 2020 takes place for all members on Saturday 1st February in Scoil an Athar Tadhg. Both Juvenile and adult members can sign up on the night and forms can be downloaded and completed in advance from the following links to help speed up the process for you: Juvenile membership form Juvenile Registration Form 2020 Juvenile Player Code of Behaviour 2020 Young Player Code of Behaviour – Carraig na bhFear GAA Adult membership form Adult Registration Form 2020 Juvenile Membership rates are unchanged for 2020: New member €30 Existing member €60 Two children €100 Three children €130 Family membership €200 (including annual club lotto subscription) Membership rates for the Adult Club remain unchanged for 2020: Player – €140 Student Player – €125 Non Player €125 Family membership €200 All memberships include an annual subscription to the club lotto. We look forward to seeing you all on the...
by Club P.R.O | Dec 5, 2019 | Club Meetings, Club News, Juvenile, Lotto, Match Reports |
Muintir Carraig na bhFear…ta se nios cuine na mar a bhi, ach uaireanta, caithfidh tu sos a thogail. Ce go bhfuil ar gcroi bhriste tar eis on Cluiche Cheannais Contae in aghaidh Fanaithe na Ruisealaigh, ta neart agus dianseasmhachta i gCarraig na bhFear agus beidh La eile ag an bPaorach. Ta gach duine an bhroduil as an bhFoireann agus an lucht bainistiocht, do bhi turas an shuimiuil againn agus taimid ag feachaint chun tosaigh sa bhliain seo chugainn. To all our readers and club members, the temperatures have dropped, the evenings are darker and we are approaching that magical time of the year where we take stock, look back and dream of what is to come. This is the 7th edition of our club newsletter and since we last talked, we had the little matter of the Cork County Hurling Final 2019 to deal with. Unfortunately, we were not good enough on the day, beaten by a better and more ruthless team and we wish Russell Rovers all the best in the Munster Championship and in the Intermediate Grade next year. But even though our heads were bowed for a brief period, we can reflect back on a year that saw some great performances from our local heroes, who went further than any other Carraig Junior A Hurling team did before. A lot has been learnt, new memories were made, some regrets may linger, but in truth, our club is in a better position for the whole experience. There is no doubt that the appetite has been whetted for 2020, in both the Adult and Juvenile Club. The dream...
by Club P.R.O | Feb 5, 2019 | Club Meetings, Club News, Juvenile, Special Events |
Carraig na bhFear GAA Club Registration Night Friday 8th Feb 7:00pm – 8:30pm Venue – Scoil an Athar Tadhg Registration Night 2019 takes place for all members on Friday next 8th February in Scoil an Athar Tadhg. Both Juvenile and adult members can sign up on the night and forms can be downloaded and completed in advance from the following links to help speed up the process for you: Juvenile membership form Juvenile Registration Form 2019 Juvenile Player Code of Behaviour 2019 Young Player Code of Behaviour – Carraig na bhFear GAA Adult membership form Adult Registration Form 2019 Juvenile Membership rates are unchanged for 2019: New member €30 Existing member €60 Two children €100 Three children €130 Family membership €200 (including annual club lotto subscription) Membership rates for the Adult Club remain unchanged for 2019: Player – €140 Student Player – €125 Non Player €125 Family membership €200 All memberships include an annual subscription to the club lotto. We look forward to seeing you all on the...
by Club P.R.O | Mar 12, 2018 | Club Meetings, Club News |
At our latest club meeting on March 5th 2018, club members unanimously agreed that Carraig na bhFear GAA Club will make available an acre of its recently acquired 6.5 acres of land, in order to facilitate the location of a new national school.
by Club P.R.O | Nov 29, 2016 | Club Meetings, Club News |
Club AGM’s Adult – Friday 2nd December 8pm in Scoil an Athar Tadhg Juvenile – Tuesday 6th December 8pm in Scoil an Athar Tadhg It’s that time of year when all the playing activity has been concluded and attention turns to preparing for next year. With that in mind the Adult AGM has been fixed for Friday, the 2nd of December at 8pm, in the Primary School and the Juvenile AGM has been fixed for Tuesday, December the 6th at 8pm, also in the school. The meetings will reflect on the year gone by and the committee and coaches will be appointed for the following year. We would love to see a large attendance at these important meetings at a very important time for our club. There is a lot of good work been carried out in the club, but new ideas are always welcome. Nobody will be landed with a job just because they attend, and in reality, most of the posts will have incumbents in advance of the meeting. New members and prospective new players are especially welcome and we hope to see you all...