Gleoise na Carraige


Muintir Carraig an bhFear, ardaionn se me chroi go bhfuil an bhliain nua againn. Ta suil againn go raibh sos maith ag gach duine i rith an Nollag agus go bhfuil sibh ag tnuth leis an bliain i ndan duinn

And so it begins…..2019 is up and running folks with the unseasonably good weather giving us the feeling that Spring has begun. Let’s hope that Mother nature doesn’t have too many surprises for us as the year unfolds!! And as I write this, it has started to snow!!! Mother nature always keeps us guessing!

Carraig na bhFear CLG has also come out full of ideas and enthusiasm for 2019 after a refreshing break over the Christmas Holidays. And we do hope that all our members, players, mentors, administrators and most vitally, our supporters seize the day and have a fun, sporting, and enjoyable year.

Juvenile Club

In regard to our Juvenile Club, our first club meeting was held on January 8th 2019 . A good turnout ensued as the various plans for 2019 were formulated. There has been a positive response to organising the various mentors for the variety of underage teams.  Most positions have been filled and training will soon begin for our keen and vibrant laochra og. Our U14 and U16’s have begun training already and turnout has been quite high. Tus maith leath na hoibre as they say.

For general information here are a list of the club officers for 2019;

An Chathaoirleach ( chairman)– Willie Sheehan.

An Runai( Secretary) – Kathleen Murphy

An Chisteoir( Treasurer) – Marie Cashman

P.R.O – To be announced.


Very Important  – Fior Tabhachtach.

Our Club registration night will take place on February 8th from 7.00pm onwards in our local national school, Scoil and Athar Tadhg. We would encourage all present and potential members to come and attend this event. There will be information available in regard to the club’s policy for data protection and relevant GDPR guidelines. But most importantly it is a chance to start the year on the right foot by supporting your club.


Membership Fees 2019:

Current Juvenile Membership Fees

New U18 member €30

Existing U18 member €60

2 existing U18 members €100

3 u18 members €130

Family membership, which includes Lotto €200

Current Adult Membership

Adult playing member which includes lotto €140

Over 18 student playing member which includes lotto €125

Non-playing adult member (also applies to mentor, trainer, officer) which includes lotto €125

Family membership, which includes Lotto €200

Membership year for the GAA is from 1st April to March 31st. Those who do pay their fees prior to March 31st receive the benefits of membership, including the right to vote at club meetings, including AGM. Only those who pay membership fees, including the lotto, can be entered into draws for championship tickets. Family membership entitles members to one name in the draw for any championship tickets. If membership fees are not paid by March 31st, the person does not have permission to partake in Carraig na bhFear GAA activities until the time that the fees are paid.


Allocation of tickets policy is on the club’s website.



Adult Club:

The adult club has had a busy January. Our AGM was held on January 12th with a fantastic turnout on the evening. Plenty of discussion was held on various topics and a healthy debate ensued regarding the challenges facing our club. Reports were given by the various outgoing officers. A huge debt of gratitude is extended to the outgoing executive who did Trojan work over the last three years in progressing the club.  The following members were voted in as club officers for 2019.

An Chathaoirleach: Jim Hickey

An Runai: Brian Hegarty

An Chisteoir: Marie Murphy

P.R.O – Conchur O hEigeartaigh

An tUachtarain: Tomas O Siochain


Upcoming fixtures: The East Cork Division 1 Football League will commence the weekend of Febuary 9th 2019. Fixtures to be decided at next East Cork Board meeting.

Under 21 Football Championship will start on the weekend of February 23/24th of February. Carraig na bhFear are entered in the “C” Grade Championship with nine other teams. It promises to be an exciting championship.


Development of Club Facilities:

As of the end of December, Carraig na bhFear CLG is delighted to report that over fifty one thousand euro has been collected from the Tax Relief Scheme (Section 47A – donations to approved sports bodies for funding of Capital Projects). We would like to thank every single person who has contributed so far to this scheme. This money has been collected to pay for the purchase of the 6.5 acres on which the second playing field resides. This scheme remains open for 2019 so if you have not been able to make a contribution thus far, the opportunity still remains. Any contribution is hugely appreciated.

In regard to further applications for funds, Carraig na bhFear CLG made another submission to the Sports Capital Programme in September 2018.The Sports Capital Programme (SCP) is managed by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and provides grants to assist in the development of sports facilities and the provision of sports equipment throughout the country. Our aim for this application is to obtain funding to aid us in developing the second playing field.   If our application is successful, our aim is to direct these funds towards obtaining new goal posts, netting behind the goal posts and also perimeter fencing. At present we are awaiting news whether our application has been successful or not.

For general information, the second playing field will not be open for use until later in the year. Following the advice of the landscape contractors , the club feels it is prudent to give time for the new sod to settle and for the requisite field equipment to be in place before opening an phairc nua. We do appreciate everyone’s patience as we are aware that teams and mentors wish to get underway with training and playing.

Finally, Carraig na bhFear CLG would like to extend failte is daichead do David Herlihy. David has recently started as care- taker of our club grounds and will be onsite for a number of days a week. Carraig na bhFear CLG hopes that all members will work with David in keeping our club grounds clean and tidy and by also respecting all club equipment and facilities.


#AR AGHAIDH NA BHFEAR…………………Ni Paroiste Gan Foireann