Club Registration Night this Friday

On Friday Night, at 8pm in Scoil an Athar Tadhg, our registration night for both Juvenile and Adult members takes place.

Allcurrent juvenille players need to register and new members are particularly welcome. A gear sale will be held on night also.

Juvenile Membership rates:
1st Child in family €60
2nd child €40
3rd and subsequent child €30
Family €200 (inc. lotto sub)
New member (player) €30
New adult helper/mentor (first year) €10.


For our adult players and members, registration will also take place on the same night.

Adult playing membership is €140, student is €125 and non playing is €125. Family membership is €200. All memberships include an annual lotto ticket should you wish to avail of it.

Anyone wishing to renew their annual Lotto subscription can do so on Friday night, at a cost of €100. New members to our Lotto draw are also welcome to join up on the night. Simply select 3 numbers from 1 to 36 and you will be entered into our weekly Lotto draw for the full year. The Lotto is the clubs main fundraising source and is vital to ensure we can meet the day to day costs of running a successful GAA club for all in our community. Your continued support for the Lotto is greatly appreciated.